Monday, September 19, 2011

For those who doubt they are poets

Star Struck

Fixed for your moment in the sky’s turbulence,

its rose gold steadfastness

amongst the violet, mauve clouds, its highlights

lost and skipping battering –

our star,

the writers’ star – ‘Evening,’ to Coleridge,

apostrophes to Keats –

certain you could set your course

but for the wheeling of the Heavens,

the dealing of the winds,

the fickleness of clouds,

the waxing and the waning,

the thinning and plumping

of the lemon wedge moon,

the strawberry moon,

the bitter cold sliver of moon

ready for a teacup,

a g & t,

to decorate a fillet of fish

but for the wavering.

Take note of its presence,

fear not its failure,

trust to its shine

even up against the silvered brilliance

of the full moon,

the blue moon, 

the headless moon.

Trust to its rising,

its course,

its setting,

trust to its hovering,

its hiding,

its always taking its place

in the zodiac,

in the galaxies,

the constellations

there in universal space.

Do not ever be deluded

into thinking

things mean less,

that the penumbra

is an after effect

of the source.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Immaculate Scone

Cut into three
writhing and relaxing
alone on their plate:
the transubstantiation of seed,
the blood of the berry,
the ascension of milk
to dough as well as cream.

Who needs a creed?

Saying Farewell

Memories I Have Never Had of the Maramasike Passage

After this bay, lagoon, gulf …
we approach the confining arc
of trees reaching, clasping.

The passage seems to be
at times
sunstruck then
cool, dark.

We enter
gliding through clear waters,
aware of special peace
undisturbed even
by tidal currents –
they must sweep both ways?

The banks –
closing now –
might offer glimpses
of anything …
perhaps parrots cavorting amongst dark leaves,
a cradled possum, a crocodile
or an abandoned canoe.
We have heard
of people
snatched by tides.

Through it sunstruck through
the cool and dark, through
the more or less dappled
ordinary we sail
the legendary passage.

Shadow lizards dash
water music brushes our ears
for a moment
from the dark
a splash of dancing light
falling from leaf along bough
to glimmer in water.

We are drawn along
between the banks,
the helmsman hardly has to steer.
Our interest forward wavers
in any case
there is no future.