Monday, October 4, 2010

The Natives Are Revolting – response to the killing of D O Bell 1927

the Whisky Army volunteers
to suppress the rising of the natives
who have killed District Officer Bell
because they’re bastards.

Copra is getting better and better prices,
trochus and green snail shell confirm themselves,
like ivory nut,
as reliable as good old bêche de mer.
They see themselves making a killing.

These few inflated traders set forth
on the Medical Officer’s launch,
hired for the purpose,
with a mountain of supplies and a battalion of servants
(the whisky is donated).

Some wag back in the Club renames them
when news comes back
the bearers had to carry them
up the hills.

They shoot an old man
too lame to run away
and are repatriated the scores of nautical miles
when the government C O decides
he can no longer hold himself responsible.

Australia sends the Adelaide
(Bell was an Australian after all
and they were on manœuvres
in the region)
but the crew gets dysentery.

Wall Street crashes.

The land, cursed
because sacraments and sites were polluted
- particularly by starving women -
still bears blighted crops.

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