Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oscar Wilde in Australia - audio version

The text version is not yet available.



  1. Will this be in the basement? I'm wondering if you've posted your article about P White - the one about Riders in the Chariot. I've just finished reading it again, and was reminded by the hats of your analysis.
    What a wondrous book. I think the hats provide the only bit of relief in the whole dreadful intensity. Now trying to plow through Ezekial and Isiah - very hard going, and may require a little assistance. Any exegesis? Or is PW the only help?

  2. Thank you again for your comment Sandra. I very much appreciate your taking the time to do so.

    The text version of 'O W in Australia' is on offer.

    My Patrick White commentary is in The Way We Were Three Australian Novelists September 2010 posting.

    I'm not sure I would worry too much about the precise details of the Judaeism in Riders in the Chariot. How about Googling Jewish Arcana if it seems to need elucidating?

    The Scapegoat is what I remember most strongly.

    Yes the hats in the restaurant scene is a huge hilarious, poignant (tinged with tragic) relief, isn't it?

    Who else could have offered Fellini after all that Australian suburban horror - Astley?

    I could feel that restaurant (based on Prince's or Romanov's of long, long ago?).

    I sympathise with your making your way through those Old Testament books. I remember though that they had their excitements - doesn't Ezekial have a vision of a fiery chariot? Isiah gave me the creeps and I can't remember why. Is he grimmer than even the other Patriarchs (except for Abraham who wins Grim)?

    I would love to read Riders in the Chariot again.

    Is it on a list? I hope so.

    I M
